
 Robert Vibert’s work


This is to confirm that we have made use of the services of RSVP Management Consultants over an extended period of time (approx. 18 months) when we were installing a computer data system. We consulted Mr. Vibert of this company with regard to the type of hardware we should acquire as well as evaluation of the most suitable hardware and software suppliers.

In addition to this Mr. Vibert assisted us in systems analysis in all areas of EDP i.e. accounting, stock control, invoicing, production, sales statistics, etc.

We were entirely satisfied with the detailed work he carried out for us and would have no hesitation in recommending his services to anybody requiring them in a similar capacity.

As a result of RSVP, we have made tremendous progress in accessing our own needs as well as projecting future requirements and we continue to refer to them from time to time as we up-grade our hardware and make other alterations to out various systems.

Their prompt and efficient service has been most useful indeed.


T.G. Weineck
Adminstrador Delegado
SIKA Portugal



Public Works and Government Services Canada
Information Technology Security Directorate
5B1, Phase III, Place du Portage  11 Laurier Street
Hull, Quebec   K1A 0S5


May 29, 2001

Segura Solutions Inc.
RR #1
Braeside, Ontario  K0A 1G0


Dear Mr. Vibert,

We were most pleased and satisfied with the study of our anti-virus strategy conducted by Segura Solutions, under your guidance. We wish to thank you specifically for the skill and tact you displayed in dealing with a wide cross section of the interested parties in the Department. Not all of the people you interviewed agree or cooperate with each other. However, as a consequence of your signal efforts new working arrangements have been established to the lasting benefit of PWGSC.

The report we received contained numerous practical and detailed recommendations for improvements, all objectively justified and tailored to our reality. We have already started implementing them. As the report has circulated throughout the Department we have enjoyed the added value of a heightened awareness of IT security in general and the malware threat in particular amongst the higher management echelons.

The level and breadth of knowledge and expertise you displayed during this project was exceptional and in no uncertain terms complete. In fact, the thoroughness of the report has resulted in an expansion of our corporate understanding of malicious software. Without this comprehensive view of the threat environment, the Department would have remained exceptionally vulnerable to attack.

It is without reservation that we express our sincere appreciation for your efforts and the results you provided to our organization.

Warmest wishes,

Alain Saint-Yves
Information Technology
Security Directorate



I have followed the practices that Robert suggested to me for the past six months and my life got a lot better. I made more money in that time than any six month period in my life, and now that I am not fighting with my wife anymore about money, my relationship is better than it has ever been. It is wonderful to see that Robert’s sage advice is now available to everyone.

In the past, the quest for money was difficult for me. Now the world is full of lucrative opportunities, and I am manifesting the opportunities I choose. Most of all I laugh more and am happier for having followed Robert’s advice, and for having subsequently resolved some wounds that I have been working on for so many years.


Marvin Miller
Technical Writer
Ottawa, Canada


I valued Robert’s insights on why we need to identify and resolve the root cause of our limiting beliefs in order to move forward effectively on our path. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in making profound and lasting changes through thoughtful examination and healing of areas that keep them from achieving their highest potential.”

Alison Simmons


Robert has an easy, confident, and supportive mentoring style. I feel creative and inspired when working with him on my goals. He helps me take my ideas to the next level by assisting me in operationalizing the steps and setting up a plan I can live with. What seemed impossible, suddenly is in reach! I would highly recommend his services to anyone wanting to start or grow their business.

Shelly Pinnell, LISW
Columbus, Ohio